
Pdf to Image Converter

Convert pdf files to image. Formats : jpeg, jpg, png, gif. You will need java installed on your computer.(   Download   ) Please download file and extract it then run codeshb_pdf_to_image.jar file. (   Download  ) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Pdf Merger - Combine Multiple Pdf Files

Merge multiple pdf files into one pdf file.  You will need java installed on your computer.(   Download   ) Please download file and extract it then run codeshb_pdf_merger.jar file. (   Download  ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pdf dosyalarını tek bir pdf e dönüştürün.  Bilgisayarınızda java yüklü olmalı.(   Download   ) Lütfen dosyasını indirin ve codeshb_pdf_merger.jar dosyasını çalıştırın. (   Download  )

Free Desktop Chat Program

  You will need java installed on your computer.(   Download   ) server.jar is server for clients.  client.jar is clients.(Hakan, Ayşe, John, Tayyab, Sarah, Kevin...) Please download file and extract it. (  Download  )

Take Screenshot and Send Email Time Interval

Please follow these steps to run program properly: You will need java installed on your computer.(   Download   ) It saves screenshot as .png format. You will see screenshots in folder with named date-time. Please download file and extract it. (   Download  ) First run takescreen1.jar and save settings. Then run takescreen2.jar .  Program will start running. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ On windows you can add it to start up as explained below: 1- Open file explorer. 2- Go to view tab. 3- Click show file extensions. 4- Click show hidden files. 4- Rename takescreen2.jar file to takescreen2.exe  5- Create shortcut. 6- Move shortcut to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp 7-  and C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs  8-  Right click on the shortcuts. 9- Click properties. 10- Change target to  takescreen2.jar

Screenshot Program

 Sometimes it is hard to take screenshot on  some platforms.  So i wrote this tiny program.  You will need java installed on your computer.(  Download   ) It saves screenshot to  where it is as .png format. Please download takescreenshot.jar. (   Download   ) On windows you can  pin it to the task bar as explained below: 1- Open file explorer. 2- Go to view tab. 3- Click show file extensions. 4- Rename takescreenshot.jar file to takescreenshot.exe  5- Drop it to task bar. 6- Rename it again to  takescreenshot.jar 7- On the task bar right click the icon  we pinned. 8-  Right click on the file name. 9- Click properties. 10- Change target to  takescreenshot.jar

Pure Javascript async post function , formdata, json object

var url = "";  var myObject = new Object(); myObject.firstKey = "firstkey"; myObject.secondField = "secondfield";  var myJSON = JSON.stringify(myObj); var formData = new FormData(); formData.append("k",myJSON+"=,="); var ans = postData(url,formData); if(ans=="ok"){ doSth(); } async function postData(url,formData) {     try {       const response = await fetch(url, {         method: "POST",         body: formData,       });       const result = await response.text();                   return result;     } catch (error) {       console.error("Error:", error);     }       }

Php header.php , footer.php Example

header1.php  <?php ini_set ( 'display_errors' , 1 ); ini_set ( 'display_startup_errors' , 1 ); error_reporting (E_ALL); $lifespan = 18000 ; ini_set ( 'session.gc_maxlifetime' , $lifespan ); ini_set ( 'session.cookie_lifetime' , $lifespan ); session_start (); ? > <?php include 'db_con.php' ; ? > <?php global $basketCount ; $selectedLang = "en" ; if ( isset ( $_SESSION [ 'lang' ])){ $selectedLang = $_SESSION [ 'lang' ]; } $langFile = "language__" . $selectedLang . ".ini" ; $parsedFile = parse_ini_file ( $langFile ); if ( isset ( $_SESSION [ 'basketcount' ])){ $basketCount = $_SESSION [ 'basketcount' ]; } if ( isset ( $_SESSION [ "gid" ])){ } else { $_SESSION [ 'gid' ] = substr ( md5 ( rand ()), 0 , 10 ); } $ip = isset ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_CLIENT_IP' ]) ? $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_CLIENT